AXON Consultancy Limited
Our Services
Marine Traffic Consultant
Axon is a dedicated marine shipping risk and consultancy company. We were established in Hong Kong in 2011 when a Civil Engineer and a Marine Scientist brought together their expertise and amalgamated their businesses to create a Maritime Transport Consultancy.
Today we provide services to all sectors of the marine construction industry ranging from vessel traffic survey, shipping risk, Offshore Renewable Energy to marine works management such as marine works traffic control, planning and approval and environmental control.
Upon specialist appointments we travel extensively throughout the Asia Pacific region to render our expertise. Our professional team have extensive experience in marine impact assessment, marine works application and shipping management in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta to provide our expertise for marine infrastructure projects including bridge construction, reclamation, port terminal development and submarine pipeline laying.
Marine Traffic Impact Assessment (MTIA)
Our marine consultancy services that we perform are marine risk assessment, marine accident investigation, port consultancy and marine risk management.
Our team of master mariners, marine engineers, IT technicians and scientists have extensive experience in all aspects of shipping, navigation systems, submarine pipelines, marine accident investigation and marine risk assessment.
Our clients include government agencies, ship owners, charterers, harbour authorities and leaders in the offshore renewable energy industry and maritime civil engineering.
As part of the marine risk assessment services at Axon we develop successful marine risk and threat management software systems and can provide IT solutions with capability assessment.
Axon has been undertaking vessel traffic surveys and analysis since 2011 and the Axon survey team is able to tap into existing port radars, use historic track data, or establish a mobile tracking unit in a prime location in order to obtain accurate data.
The client will receive a true picture of the activity, type and density of traffic at a location that information managed on a GIS database allows SQL queries thematic plots and full data analysis with in-house software providing a powerful and intellectual means of assessing present and future vessel movements.
Works Crafts Registration and Mobilazation
Our agency team attends all kind of marine works crafts from Dredgers to Specialists Marine Construction Vessels assisting the Contractors, Master and/or ship owners with ship licensing procedures, customs clearance, organizing cargo works, husbandry agency and crew matters etc. We, acting as the Hong Kong Agents, provide services of administration, operation, accounting, secretarial, etc. for major Japanese Constractor in Hong Kong. Axon acting as the Representatives and according to ships' particulars/information supplied by the contractors, shipowners, submit applications to the Marine Department and related departments for the Approval-in-principle Letter, Certificate of Ownership, Operating Licence, Temporary Marine Working License.
- Providing a broad range of services on a global basis to contractors, shipowners, traders, operators, charterers and managers of floating assets.
Services include: husbandry offshore support, spare parts supply, procurement, foreign exchange, crew logistics
Managing crucial elements of the supply chain involving floating assets Managing data and cash flow/remittances across the supply chain involving floating assets Global outsourcing solutions for elements of, or the entire, supply chain from point of origin to point of use.
Our customised works crafts agency software application allows for the efficient and accurate handling of agency functions, and our strong focus on HSSE and Quality ensure we match and exceed our principal’s expectations in this increasingly important aspect of doing business in the 21st Century.
From a commercial perspective our local shipping management will work with our principal to establish a marine works construction plan to fit with the overall works programme and the agreed service proposition for the local environmental and marine legislations. We will prepare and execute a detailed marine works plan drawing on our existing relationships with the Hong Kong Government Departments and also the local Hong Kong market.
Whether you are looking for an agent in Hong Kong and wider Pearl River Delta, AXON has the experience, the infrastructure and the expertise to add real value to your business.